Sunday 14 July 2013

The 6 P's

Like coming up to Christmas, the end of the summer term heralds a zillion events at school. It all hots up, pardon the pun, we are experiencing glorious weather at the moment, in the old days we called it "summer". Everything that can be is crammed in to the last two weeks of term, making me a bit dizzy. We have trips, sports days, dress up days, dress down days. The letters home from school like paper darts. Oh and the don't forget the sun cream, hat and water bottle reminders.

Friday evening was the school summer BBQ. We held a brief meeting in the millennium garden, or as A calls it, the limenium garden. We needed to dot i's and cross t's. I for one cannot wait to relinquish the role of Chair of the PTA, this would be my last event. I have found it to be a challenge like plaiting fog. I went to school straight after work to help set up ready for serving hot dogs, burgers and kebabs. The accompanying stuff like salad, coleslaw and drinks is provided by the parents. I had mine prepared in the fridge instructing hubby to bring it with him, he forgot it. As it was a lovely evening weather wise, we were rushed off our feet meeting the demand. My hair flicks up all over when I get sweaty, making me look like a deranged menopausal woman.

We get involved in community work as a company and Saturday was my turn to help out at a church in York for a couple of hours. It was like a bloody oven in the church I thought it would be all cool in there. Donning a pinny, regulations, I set to with the washing up, drying and clearing tables plus a stint on the cake stall. I was the youngest helper there and were very grateful, however I did observe knowing smiles from the older ladies who have really got over working at the pace women of my age feel like we have to go at, they would nip off for a wander around the market while afterward I nipped into M&S for something for tea. They are wise old birds, they have done all that and the huge clue is in the word "volunteering". I rushed back home, top lip sweating and flicked up hair.

Today our company were competing in the Dragon Boat Race and as I didn't put myself forward to be part of the team I thought it would be nice to take the kids for an afternoon by the river to support our team. The main thing that struck me, as it does every time I go to an outdoorsy event, is I am so crap at it. I tip up just about remembering the sun cream and money. All around me have chairs and blankets, wet wipes, food and drink in cooler boxes, mini bbq's and every weather eventuality covered. These people when asked has anyone got a candle that repels mosquito's you can bet your bottom dollar they will have one. I'm busy wandering off to find a shop so the kids don't die of dehydration or starvation, paying through the nose for the privilege.

Watching a group of kids whose mother had just handed them oat cakes, the kind of kids who have hair that means they are expressing themselves, they were inching down to the river bank without being reprimanded T started to follow suit, I told her no, there was an electric speaker on the bank that she could get caught up in fall in the river get electrocuted and then drown, I know a bit Final Destination but that is how my mind works. T looked at me with a half smile and a roll of her eyes in a my nana is barking way.

An old boss used to have a saying "Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance". I may fall short  on the planning for outdoorsy stuff but I am a sorter and your kids will be safe on my watch.

Oh and today I wore a hat.

Sha X

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